Cooperative Development Services empowers communities and creates just economies through cooperation. That means we support groups as they envision how their collaboration might provide needed services in their communities: like grocery stores and movie theaters; how workers can become owners and entrepreneurs, retaining jobs and local businesses; how farmers and consumers can add value to local products and create more resilient local supply chains. We believe that practicing deeper and deeper levels of human cooperation works.
Your tax-deductible investment makes it possible for us to provide knowledgeable expertise to co-ops, groups starting co-ops, and the business members of co-ops. Our 2021 annual budget is $445,000. We know where $350,000 of that is coming from, leaving a gap of $95,000. We particularly are asking our community to provide $15,000 to fill that gap.
Some highlights from CDS’s work of the past year:
- Two new cooperatives were incorporated and started in business.
- Eight employees in a rural town of under 2000 people saved their jobs and benefits by buying out their business from a retiring owner.
- New education tools were created, including “Starting the Journey Together: A Guide to Indigenous Community Cooperative Development”, co-developed with the MN Indigenous Business Alliance.
- Over $100,000 has been raised for pre-development expenses for three new grocery co-ops and the relocation and expansion of two others. When completed, these projects are expected to create about 40 living wage jobs.
- Over $350,000 of state and federal grant funds made available to grow farmer-owned and locally-owned food processing businesses.
- About 100 cooperatives, businesses, and related organizations engaged with CDS in some meaningful way through education programs or business consulting.
In coming weeks, look for our full annual report at www.cdsus.coop.
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