Kevin Edberg joined CDS as executive director in October 2000 and is responsible for the overall strategic direction and management of the organization. He has a strong background in agriculture, economics, and marketing. He holds bachelor’s degrees in horticulture, agricultural economics, and secondary science education, and has done graduate work in plant breeding and plant physiology, all at the University of Minnesota.
Prior to coming to CDS, Kevin worked for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for 13 years, the last six of which as head of marketing programs. In that capacity, he initiated programs in cooperative development, value added processing, agricultural diversification and represented the department in areas of international trade.
Kevin brings a strong understanding of board governance to his work. He served on his local school board for 20 years, the last four of which serving as the chairman of the board of a district with 1200 employees, 10,000 students, and a $77 million annual budget.